Saturday 26 March 2011

Love Thief and Wolfeyes

My darling little Shuttle computer has kicked the bucket- i haven't been sketching much whilst worring that i've lost all of my past work. Honestly- i feel pretty bad right now, and hoping some posting will help lift it.

So- cat-like snuggles. I love tentacles and felines- combinations of the two even more so.

 And this came up as an idea- what would a woman look like with wolf eyes and fur?
Answer- unnerving.

Monday 7 March 2011


The product of listening to 'Tarantula' by Pendulum a few times- not what i had in mind, but something i'd love to develop into a finished piece at some point.

Friday 4 March 2011


I've been exercising too hard, and am stuck on my computer chair *sadface*
I wanted to post something i enjoyed and have wanted to draw for years. He took months of faffing and planning, one messed up version, innumerable changes and looks of painting- but i'm happy. And that's rare.

Thursday 3 March 2011

Repo! :D

I have two very good friends to thank for introducing me to Repo! The Genetic Opera. It's a stunning and sadly over-looked film (except by it's loyal and determined fans) and the household is on a bit of a kick right now.
I'm completely in love, and trying to spread the word - it's also lead to a few doodlings.
Mr. Graverobber- getting back into drawing people is challenging but that smile helps. Slowly working on this.
A repo inspired sketch next- like the Graverobber's annoying brother he doesn't talk cat. Everything's better with cats.
Heavily referenced from a great bit of DA stock- will add link when i find him.

Inevitably the conversation has come round to- if you where in  *insert fantasy world here* what/who would you be?  There are a few fantastic Repo! memes going around on DA, but time after time i see people drawing themselves as sexy, with amazing new bodily additions, with the main characters instantly fall head over heels in love with them and skipping off into the sunset. If that makes you happy, all power to you- but would it be really like that?
Nope. We came to the conclusion that if we weren't dead already- we'd be barking mad, covered in mud and cackling at this cruel new world-

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Ball Jointed Joy

This is Milk- my little ball jointed doll.
He is the best gift i have ever received and i am so very grateful- not only because he is a delight to make tiny clothes for, paint and interact with- but also because he has introduced me to a whole new group of lovely people. I have have been in such a rut for so long- with art and life in general. This new hobby is crazy and expensive but so much fun. Nothing quite like a big group of like-minded individuals all cooing over each others pretties.
Pictures by Ann Tagonist and Ally-

And a sketch of Ally's bjd Incubus Noctane- he was a very good model and didn't move an inch ;)


Thought a new start was in order- both artistically and as to where images are posted.
A good friend bought me a lovely leather bound notebook which i  plan to fill over the coming year.
Firstly a big hairy beasty- a good place to begin. Inspired by stories of big black dogs out on the moors that scared the life out of me as a child. An overly active imagination and too much reading of such stories caused a very jumpy (often fleeing in terror from empty classrooms) child.
Never mind- i can appreciated them now.
Ink, pencil, gouache.